Taiwanese Food Restaurant

Come and Have Some Food!

Here are some Traditional Taiwanese food we have offer


Yes! wasabi beer actually exsitied! Firebox's Wasabi Beer is manufactured by Japan-based Niigata Beer. Each is 500ML and sells for $7.79. But, for now you might need a friend across the pond to hook you up with the spicy sip, as shipping is not yet available to the U.S. — fingers crossed it's coming soon. You probably have a question of what wasabi beer taste like right? One reviewer on Beer Advocate writers said "Taste is very light malt with unmistakeable wasabi notes. It's not really hot or spicy... But, it's definitely wasabi! I bought this as a novelty beer... But, I actually LIKE the unusual flavor. Not something I'd want to drink everyday... But, yeah! I'd actually buy and drink this again!"

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