North America

Welcome to North America!

Here are some most interesting food I have found in the North America

The Bull Testicles

a bull testicles picture from

Surprise about the name of this food? Bull Testicles is actually a dish in North America and usually come with fried. The fried testicles look bit like round slices of ham and also have that exact same structure. they are crisp and brown on the ourside, with meaty flavors and softness on the inside.

Want to know the way to cook bull testicles? Click Vice for more info!

Maple Taffy

picture of maple taffy from

Maple taffy is a sugar candy made by boiling maple sap. poured into rows on a snow lined tray, and rolled onto sticks to make this chewy, irresistible candy. It is part of traditional culture in Québec, Eastern Ontario, New Brunswick and northern New England. In these regions, it is poured onto the snow, then lifted either with a small wooden stick, such as a popsicle stick, or a metal dinner fork.

Want to make Maple Taffy in your house? Click Martha Stewart to learn the steps!

Seal Flipper Pie

seal flipper pie picture from atlas obscura

Seal meat and other seal products have long played a crucial role in the indigenous, Maritime, and French cultures of Canada. There are thriving populations of seals along the east coast of Canada, and their meat tastes simultaneously of rich game and fish, comparable to duck. To make flipper pie, chefs slowly braise the meat, then stew it with thick gravy, carrots, onions, and peas. They pour the melt-in your mouth braise and gravy into a pastry shell and bake until it turns golden brown. Think chicken pot pie, but a million times better.

Want to learn mroe history about this amazing food? Click Atlas Obscura for more info!